Wednesday, November 4, 2015

30 Day Challenge: Day Three

Day Three: Your day , in great detail.

Get ready to be bored senseless, but here it goes !

Today is my day off so I didn't wake up until 12pm , excluding the brief moment I was awaken at 730am by my dad telling me to put my spare tire in the car. I awoke to a beautiful encouraging and very much needed text message by my coworker and friend , who happens to be the #1 fan of this blog.  She had just read my blog post from early this morning and wanted to give me some advice! Love her. Once fully awoke, and after texting her back,  I used the bathroom like I do everyday and while on the porcelain phone I checked my Facebook, Wordpress & Instagram notifications. After that I returned to the back porch of my dads house where I've been sleeping for the last few days and turned on the TV after remembering that I had only gotten half way through last weeks Empire episode. I got through about 15 minutes of the show before remembering that I really wanted to see the new movie "Jem and the Holograms" today before it went out of the theaters ( it didn't do very well at the box office.) I looked at my phone to check movie times and the closest time was 12:55 and it was 12:56 when I looked. I decided to bite the bullet and go any way , I chose Regal People Plaza theater because it wasn't too far from me, and I hoped that the 15 minutes of trailers would give me some time. Plus my friend gave me a free movie ticket that could only be redeemed at Regal Theaters so it was an easy choice. I got there a little after 1:15 and I had missed a bit of the beginning, but that didn't deter me at all from loving every bit of the rest of the movie. I left the theater wishing that I had watched the famous 80's show that it was based off of , but being a 90s baby kind of took that chance away. I loved the film and would totally recommend it to fellow dreamers , hopeless romantics & anyone wanting to follow their hearts. After leaving the movies I stopped at the Shell gas station to get gas and from there went to the library which is also my current locationI am now updating all my blogs due to my participating in these 30 day writing challenges.. I updated my Wordpress blog first , worked on my artist's YouTube header and then headed to Blogger where I caught up on Holly's Stilettos With My Latte blog!  I am right now, 5:21 pm, listening to BeyoncĂ©- "Still In Love" and concluding this blog post. Today has been uneventful , but good all the same. Heading to BWW for dinner, in an hour or so, with my friend/artist and from there going to the studio to lay down vocals for her next single! Ari Leticia is going to be the next big R&B/Pop crossover artist and I want you all to be along with her for that journey. Well that's all for now! If you actually read this entire thing , you the real MVP.


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