Friday, November 13, 2015

30 Day Challenge: Day Nine - Eleven

I know, I know. Me and consistency just don't seem to mix. But , I won't let that be the reason I don't finish out this challenge . So bear with me as I play a little catch up!

Day Nine: Pet Peeves

I actually started this blog post and didn't realize that I hadn't posted it. Sorry!

1. Flaky people. I know sometimes life happens, but if it's a continuous thing , it boils my blood. I am the least flakiest person so if I come thru , I need the same.

2. Men who always find a way to ease sex into conversations especially in the beginning stages. Huge turn-off.

3. Non-supportive friends. I mean , are they really your friend any way?

4. I hate to be cut off, silenced, not heard. Just don't do it. Seriously.

5. People who aren't who they say are

Day Ten: If you could live off of only one food/beverage for the rest of your days what would it be?

Before I started this new healthy lifestyle , I would have said french fries and sprite. But for the sake of my health and eating better I would say French Fries and Water , Haha. Gotta have my fries, sorry.

Day Eleven: What is your favorite quote?

"But who prays for Satan? Who in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most . . ." - Mark Twain
Deep. Spoke to parts of me that had never been awoken. What do you guys think about this ?


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