Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Grass Isn't Always Greener (Believe me I checked)

 When it comes to sex I've always had a "So what's the big rush?" state of mind. I could never come to terms with why it was just this big "thing." Especially if you arent having it , seeing as though you get a lot of flack if you aren't . Sex is suppose to enhance a marriage , and in that context I can completely understand the need/want, but I'm not married (yet).  So maybe about a week back I took a survey on both my Instagram and Facebook account to get a better feel for whether or not I am really missing out on something . The general consensus is a huge resounding NO. Let me be the first to say I knew that already, but I thought I'd give it the benefit of the doubt . One of my many concerns with pre-martial sex is giving a piece of myself to someone who could very well leave soon after or worse I'll later regret even being with them. That's not to say that you can't do it the right way(for intents and purposes) and not have your regrets, but I feel like for me , knowing I did it the way I felt was best will trump any of those feelings. Okay so on to the results, the survey was answered by 12 people ( all women in their early to late 20's ) and the question was pretty straightforward : 

"How many people are still with the person they lost their virginity to ? If not, did it end on good terms & would you ever sleep with them again ?"

Of those 11 only 3 people are still with the person they lost their virginity to ( one waited until married which gives me hope) . And of the remaining 8 only one person stated that the relationship ended on good terms and that she would be willing to sleep with them again. The other 7 were very adamant about not wanting to go back to that relationship let alone sleeping with them again. And that's what stood out to me the most . While I'm glad that the 3 couples exist who are still together , I'm not naive enough to overlook the other 8. The last thing I want is to wait so long to share this gift with someone to somewhere along the lines regret it. Again , nothing's guaranteed , but the chances that a man will go through the entire process of marrying someone just for sex is a bit ludicrous . However, crazier things have happened though haha. All in all I sought out to see if the grass was greener on the other side , and I'm here to tell you , it's not ( in most cases). I don't knock anyone who chooses to have sex before marriage , that's not my place, all I can ask in return is for my decision to be respected . Because honestly , according to the facts , it ain't all it's cracked up to be ( the process not the actual action , I'm sure that's fairly lovely) 

Well , that's my take . 

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